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Psychotherapist, supervisor,

business consultant

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consultations online

+38 063 440 49 96


I invite you to individual psychotherapy consultations, where you can understand yourself, find the strength to overcome life's difficulties and qualitatively change your life.

I will help overcome the crisis period, identify and change unconscious destructive attitudes, get out of the "vicious circle" of repetitive life scenarios, and complete unfinished situations from the past. And I'll just support you in a difficult moment.

Psychological help is an opportunity to rethink your life. Get rid of what gets in the way, filling in what is important and adding what is missing. This is an opportunity to start breathing fully, to receive and give love, to accept yourself and allow yourself to be happy.

In what cases should you contact me?

- Issues of relationships, love, closeness, male-female relationships

- Low self-esteem, strong internal criticism, search for self-support


- A feeling of loneliness, lack of a partner, difficulties in communication

- Issues of money, career, social realization

- Sexual sphere: improving the quality of intimate life, sexual injuries, difficulties related to sexual orientation

- Child-parent relationship

- Psychological injuries, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)


- Loss of loved ones, grief, psychological crises

- Fears, phobias, severe anxiety, panic attacks


...and other issues in which you need psychological help

I am a gestalt therapist and you might be interested to know

What is Gestalt therapy?

This is a wonderful direction in psychotherapy that has helped many people! I consider it my mission to popularize gestalt, so I create such popular science videos.


Experience and education


  • Individual psychological counseling since 2006

  • Working with Gestalt groups since 2006

  • Business consulting since 2012



  • National Pedagogical University named after N.P. Dragomanov, specialty "Psychology" (Kyiv, Ukraine)

  • Gestalt therapist and supervisor in National Association of Gestalt Therapists of Ukraine (NAGTU)

  • Specialization in "Organizational Consulting in the Gestalt Approach" in Kyiv Gestalt University (KGU)

Accreditations and Memberships:

  • Accredited Gestalt therapist, supervisor, and associate trainer at the National Association of Gestalt Therapists of Ukraine (NAGTU)

  • Accredited Gestalt therapist at the Kyiv Gestalt University (KGU)

  • Member of the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy (NYIGT)

  • Member of Gestalt Australia and New Zealand (GANZ)



  • Individual psychotherapy and supervision

  • Gestalt groups for personal experience

  • Teaching Gestalt therapy to students

  • Organizing educational projects in psychotherapy

  • Scientific research in the field of Gestalt therapy

A little more about me:

Write to me

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Psychotherapist Oleksiy Vynogradov

Psychotherapist Oleksiy Vynogradov

All rights reserved. Copying and distribution of materials without attribution are prohibited.





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